Wearing: Outwear by Nameless c/o NastyGal and Beaded collar by Lush c/o NastyGal (here is their site) and boots from Zara as well as my "Don't Nickel and Dime Me!!!" Sweater from Forever21
I did a quick shot of this outfit while waiting for 5:45 to come so my cousins, sisters, and I could drive down to SD to attend the Rock service at 7:00 haha I was very excited and blessed that night. Spending time with my cousins is always refreshing and I always seem to find myself feeling old in the process since were growing up so fast and the last time I checked we were playing Sailor Moon in our cousin's front yard with their neighbor ---yes Sailor Moon is the bomb!!--- anyways I enjoyed my weekend. I've realized there's a lot of things I need to change about myself not pertaining to any physical changes but rather who I am as a person. I have a lot to learn and I'm honestly looking forward to who i'll become in the future.
Much love,
your coat and boots are perfect!